
Amazing Tank Launched Bridge - M60 Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge (AVLB) in Action

Marines serving with 1st Combat Engineer Battalion and 7th Engineer Support Battalion demonstrated the bridging capabilities of the Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge. Courtesy Video | 1st Marine Logistics Group

AiirSource℠ covers military events and missions from the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard.


Fastest Howitzer in The World - Archer Artillery System

The Archer Artillery System or Archer — FH77BW L52 is an international project aimed at developing a next-generation self-propelled artillery system for Sweden and Norway. The heart of the system is a fully automated 155 mm/L52 gun howitzer and a M151 Protector remote controlled weapon station mounted on a modified 6×6 chassis of the Volvo A30D, all-terrain articulated hauler. The crew and engine compartment is armoured and the cab is fitted with bullet and fragmentation-proof windows. Aside from this, the system consists of an ammunition resupply vehicle, a support vehicle, BONUS and the M982 Excalibur guided projectile.
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VITYAZ DT30 - Legendary 30-Ton Tracked Cross-Country Vehicle!!!

VITYAZ DT30 — Legendary 30-Ton Tracked Cross-Country Vehicle!!!

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VITYAZ DT30 is a two-link all-terrain vehicle on a caterpillar track designed for operation in difficult climatic conditions of the Far North, Siberia, the Far East, the Arctic and Antarctic on soils with low bearing capacity (swamp, snowy virgin land, impassability, rugged woodland) at ambient temperature from minus 50 °С to plus 40 °С.
All-terrain vehicles are equipped with turbocharged diesel engines.
Engine power — 800 hp.
Fuel consumption per 300 liters per 100 km.
Cruising range of 500 km.
The maximum land speed — 47 km/h.
The maximum speed afloat — 4 km/h.
All-terrain vehicles «Vityaz» differ in their original layout, consist of two articulated all-metal links connected to each other by a hook-on scheme. The first link is designed for the crew and is equipped with autonomous heating and ventilation systems, it has a driver’s cabin and a passenger compartment with a capacity of up to 7 people including the driver. Right behind the cab is the engine-transmission compartment.
The second link of the body, connected with a special rotary hitch, is a cargo platform covered with a tarpaulin.

Редкие, уникальные, интересные танки и САУ Второй мировой. Выпуск 6

В этом выпуске мы расскажем об интересных, редких и уникальных танках и бронетехнике Второй мировой войны. Вы увидите: СУ-14, СУ-100Y, танки Матильда, Somua, Т-26 и многие другие образцы военной техники!
Спасибо администрации «Парка Патриот» за разрешение на съемки!
#танк #танки #сау

DC-3 Mass Landing: 20x Daks at Faßberg (70 Years Berlin Airlift)

DC-3 mass landing at Faßberg, Germany on June 13, 2019 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift. Some of the Daks are the original ones that were contributing to the Berlin Airlift 70 years ago.

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2017 Bundeswehr Havelbiwak - Panzerpionierbataillon 803 - Pionierübungsplatz Nitzow

Über 4.000 Bürger hat es am Sonnabend den 17. Juni zum Tag der offenen Tür der Havelberger Panzerpioniere auf den Pionier­übungsplatz in Nitzow gezogen. Die Besucher zeigten reges Interesse an den Stationen und Vorführungen des Panzerpionierbataillons 803 und seinen Partnern. Die Panzerpioniere bereiten den Kampftruppen den Weg zu Lande und zu Wasser. Sie beseitigen Sperren und Hindernisse, sie hemmen Bewegungen des Gegners durch eigene Sperren und sie erkunden Gewässerübergangsstellen, an denen sie durch Brücken und Fähren das Überwinden von Gewässern für die Truppe sicherstellen. Die Soldatinnen und Soldaten hatten für den Tag der offenen Tür drei Stationen vorbereitet, an denen sie der Bevölkerung ihre Fähigkeiten und ihr Können präsentierten.