In today’s video we blast a 340 lb atlas stone with a 50 Cal SLAP round! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!
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Как вы думаете, какой класс боевых кораблей является наиболее опасным для противника в море? Закат эпохи артиллерийских линкоров начался сразу после Второй мировой войны. Эти грозные и красивые корабли не могли сражаться на равных с новыми королями океана — авианосцами. Тогда казалось, что будущее поле морского боя останется за плавучими аэродромами, способными обрушить на противника всю мощь своей палубной авиации, не входя в зону поражения его орудий. Но появление в арсеналах ведущих держав дальнобойных крылатых ракет вновь изменило баланс сил.
Украинские военные впервые подняли в небо Bayraktar. Ударные беспилотники Украина купила у Турции еще год назад. Пока их испытывают лишь в районе военного аэродрома, но не исключено, что со временем БПЛА могут отправить на Донбасс. Турецкая армия в Сирии показала – Bayraktar может эффективно уничтожать российские комплексы противовоздушной обороны. Но некоторые эксперты в Украине считают – в зоне ООС турецкие авиакомплексы станут легкой мишенью.
Revealed: Why the C-5M Super Galaxy Is Such a Badass Plane — The Largest Aircraft in US Military
Lockheed Martin said earlier this month that the last of 52 upgraded C-5M Super Galaxy cargo planes had been delivered to the Air Force, finishing the nearly two-decade-long modernization of the service’s largest plane.
Lockheed began work on the Air Force’s Reliability and Re-engineering Program (RERP) in 2001 and turned over the first operational C-5M Super Galaxy, as the latest version is called, on February 9, 2009.
In the 17 years since the RERP effort started, 49 C-5Bs, two C-5Cs, and one C-5A were upgraded, according to a Lockheed release, first cited by Air Force Times. The upgrades extend the aircraft’s service life into the 2040s, the contractor said.
The program involved 70 modifications to improve the plane’s reliability, efficiency, maintainability, and availability, including changes to the airframe; environmental, pneumatic, and hydraulic systems; landing gear, and flight controls.
The main new feature is more powerful engines, upgraded from four General Electric TF-39 engines to General Electric F-138 engines. The new engines, which are also quieter, allow the C-5M to haul more cargo with less room needed for takeoff.
“With the capability inherent in the C-5M, the Super Galaxy is more efficient and more reliable, and better able to do its job of truly global strategic airlift,” Patricia Pagan, a senior program manager at Lockheed, said in the release.
All together, the RERP upgrades yield “a 22 percent increase in thrust, a shorter takeoff roll; [and] a 58 percent improvement in climb rate,” according to release, which said the modifications give the C-5M greater fuel efficiency and reduce its need for tanker support.
The C-5 stands 65 feet high with a length of 247 feet and a 223-foot wingspan. The upgraded C-5M can haul 120,000 pounds of cargo more than 5,500 miles – the distance from Dover Air Force base in Delaware to Incirlik airbase in Turkey – without refueling. Without cargo, that range jumps to more than 8,000 miles.
The plane can carry up to 36 standard pallets and 81 troops at the same time or a wide variety of gear, including tanks, helicopters, submarines, equipment, and food and emergency supplies.